What is an Ultreya?
The Ultreya is a ‘gathering of the groups’. Simply put, it is a gathering of all cursillistas (those who have made a Cursillo) in the community.
Ottawa and Area Ultreyas
The Ultreya, together with Group Reunion, make up the Cursillo Method, unique to Cursillo, and help Cursillistas to persevere on their ‘Fourth Day’ pilgrimage. The Ultreya is a meeting place for Christians who share a common experience and goal. The Ultreya is where we renew friendships and where we are inspired by the ‘story’ of a fellow pilgrim whose testimony is supported by others. It can also be the place to start a new Group Reunion for those seeking “companions on the journey”. Ultreyas can be weekly or monthly—whatever meets the needs of the Cursillo community. Sometimes called ‘the gathering of the groups’, ultreyas are a great place to receive (and give) support, especially for those not yet in a group or between groups. An ultreya has three basic parts; meeting and sharing in floating group reunions, listening to a witness (Fourth Day) talk and the responses, and praying together with community intentions.